ComForEn 2024 & OSMSES 2024

Explore the fascinating world of modeling and simulation of power and energy systems and exchange views on the latest developments with leading experts from science, industry and utilities. The combination of "OSMSES 2024" and "ComForEn 2024" will provide a unique platform to shed light on the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition.

At ComForEn 2024, you will explore the latest advances in artificial intelligence in the energy sector. From data science to predictive maintenance, we offer an exclusive stage to discuss the potentials and challenges of modern AI solutions in the energy system.

An exciting exchange and first-class networking opportunities await you. Join us and actively shape the future of energy!

Registration includes participation in OSMSES 2024 (Tuesday, September 3 to Wednesday, September 4) and ComForEn 2024 (Thursday, September 5 to Friday, September 6).


Further Information can be found here.


Please find here our Registration Guide: LINK

Please enter your membership number in the order information field.

The Paper Authors can indicate their paper number in the order information field.


Termin und Ort
Termin und Ort
03.09.2024 09:00 Uhr -
06.09.2024 18:00 Uhr
Termin und Ort
Eschenbachgasse 9
1. Stock
1010 Wien
Preise und Anmeldung
€ 700
OVE-Mitglied (zzgl. gesetzl. USt.)
€ 750
Normalpreis (zzgl. gesetzl. USt.)

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