OVE Certification – objective and independent testing and certification of electrotechnical products

Certificates and approval marks establish trust among your customers. A certified product reliably meets all the relevant safety and quality requirements and the applicable standards and guidelines. In addition, certification documents the manufacturer's responsibility for the manufacturer’s products and helps to place products on the market globally.

OVE Certification is the nationally and internationally accredited certification and inspection body for products, processes and systems for the entire field of electrical engineering and security technology. As a cooperation partner to the business community, OVE Certification objectively and independently confirms compliance with national and international standards and guidelines.

We offer you a wide portfolio of services, and when it comes to obtaining approval marks and certificates, we support you with our expertise and many years of experience.


OVE Certification
OVE Certification

National and international approval marks are considered proof of successful certification. Learn more about national and international certification here.

ÖZS certification
ÖZS certification

With ÖZS CERTIFICATION for security technology products and services, the OVE contributes substantially to improving public and private security.

Inspektionsservice durch OVE Certification
Inspection services

As an independent body, OVE Certification carries out production controls and tests on all the relevant production processes on the customer's premises.

certified products

Certification facilitates international market access and is a reliable indicator of safety and functionality.


OVE Certification continuously monitors production processes in 39 countries.

certificate holders

in 30 countries, of which around 28% are in Austria.

production sites managed

in 37 countries. A quarter of these are located in China.

You can easily download the necessary forms here:
Test laboratories
Test laboratories

You can find an overview of the accredited test laboratories here.


Accreditations, authorizations and notifications by OVE Certification.

Certification register
Certification register

Find currently valid certificates in our certification register.

International cooperation

The employees of OVE Certification are represented in more than 30 committees with the goal of taking an active part in the shaping of the conditions and future of European and international certification. With Thomas Neumayer as Head of OVE Certification, the OVE also has a representative in the highest European certification committees, the ETICS Board of Directors.

OVE Certification is a member of:

European Testing Inspection Certification System
IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components
International Electrotechnical Commission Quality Assessment System For Electronic Components
Do you have questions about certification and testing? Our team will be happy to help.