OVE certification – national and international

The certificates and approval marks of the OVE confirm that the products comply with the state of the art and the current requirements of the applicable standards and guidelines.

The products tested and certified by an independent body guarantee compliance with these requirements and are therefore highly trusted by consumers.

National and international test marks serve as proof of successful certification.

National certification

OVE Zertifizierungszeichen

ÖVE – the national approval mark

ÖVE – the Austrian Safety Mark – stands for the safety and quality of electrotechnical products and systems. An ÖVE-certified product reliably complies with all the relevant safety and quality requirements and the applicable standards and guidelines.

This certificate facilitates your access to the market on the national and international levels and strengthens customer confidence in your products.

Unlike the manufacturer's CE marking, the ÖVE approval mark is a certificate granted by an independent accredited body that documents the safety of the certified products in accordance with the Austrian electrotechnical standards.


The certification procedure includes the following elements:

•          Type-testing in an accredited test centre

•          Pre-licence factory inspection

•          Annual routine inspections at the factory

•          Conformity tests on samples from the production line

•          Market surveillance

You can easily download the necessary forms here:

International certification

The OVE certification processes are based on internationally recognized and harmonized procedures and standards. They help to reduce trade barriers caused by varying certification criteria in different countries and help the industry to tap into new markets. They eliminate the delays and costs associated with multiple tests, enabling companies to bring their products to market faster while reducing overall manufacturing costs.


One test – one certification – one mark for the entire European market.

The European ENEC mark for electrical products demonstrates compliance with European safety standards.

The certification bodies party to this agreement must treat electrical equipment bearing the mark granted by another certification body as if they had granted the agreed mark themselves.

Further information: www.enec.com



The ENEC PLUS mark confirms additional properties of the products, particularly performance.

ENEC+ marks LED modules and LED-based luminaires. It confirms compliance with the requirements for the performance as well as specific environmental conditions for the reliable operation of LED modules and luminaires.

Further information: www.enecplus.com


ÖVE-HARmonization marking for cables and cords.

The European HAR certification procedure enables the mutual recognition of certificates based on harmonized standards.

Further information: www.har-cert.com


EMC mark

ÖVE – EMC confirms compliance with the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility in accordance with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2014/30/EU).



The CCA Agreement (CENELEC Certification Agreement) establishes that test results obtained according to a harmonized standard must be recognized by other certification bodies. This is done by means of a "Notification of Test Results/NTR", which all other bodies participating in the procedure must use as a basis for granting a national mark of conformity. The purpose of this procedure is to avoid multiple tests and to accelerate the granting of the mark.

Further information: www.cca-cert.com


IEC CB Scheme


CB certificate – Your door to the global market

Proof of conformity of electrotechnical products to IEC standards. Under the international CB procedure, certificates can be recognized in more than 50 countries around the world. The national certification bodies participating in the CB procedure recognize CB certificates in the respective countries as a basis for issuing their own national certifications and test marks.

Further information: www.iecee.org



The IECQ system (Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components) provides internationally recognized quality assessment procedures for electronic components.

Further information: www.iecq.org

International standards conformity mark for electronic components

International standards conformity mark for electronic components:



EU certificates of conformity

EU Logo

The OVE is notified to the EU Commission under ID number 0264 and offers conformity assessments within the scope of the following EU directives or regulations:

  • RED Directive 2014/53/EU: EU type-examination certificate for radio equipment according to Annex III
  • Construction Products Regulation 305/2011/EU: Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of cables and cords for System 1+.

Further information: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/nando/index.cfm

Other OVE certificates of conformity:

  • Certificate of conformity: Confirmation of the products’ conformity with specified requirements.
  • Certificate "Approved factory": Confirmation of the conformity of the factory’s or production processes with the factory inspection procedures harmonized in Europe (CIG procedure).

Support for CE marking:

By affixing the CE marking, the manufacturer or distributor confirms that the product conforms to all the product-specific applicable European directives. The CE marking alone does not permit any conclusions about whether independent bodies have tested the product for compliance with the directive requirements.

However, if a four-digit identification number follows the CE marking, this indicates involvement of a Notified Body in the conformity assessment procedure. The CE marking addresses the authorities, is not a certification mark or quality indicator and only documents compliance with minimum legal requirements.

The OVE supports manufacturers or distributors when it comes to CE marking and the preparation of the EU declaration of conformity. OVE-issued certificates can be used as a basis for the necessary EU declaration of product conformity in order to place products on the European Economic Area market.


Further information about accreditations, authorizations and notifications of OVE